Varsity Board
Hello Dukes, as you enter the school gymnasium you may notice our Varsity Dukes. The board was created to celebrate our past Dukes who have gone on to play varsity sports in high school. The criteria to get onto the board is that the athlete must have attended Marlborough School for at least one year and the athlete must have played a varsity sport at their high school.
If you or your athlete are interested in being represented on the board, then please send me an email with a picture of you playing your sport. In the email include your name, what years you were at Marlborough School, what sports you played while at Marlborough School, what high school you attended and what sports you play in high school.
With the picture and information I will create a card and put it on the board for all to view. Please contact me if you have any questions.
About Our Program
Welcome to Marlborough School, Home of the Dukes. We offer interscholastic athletics to our middle school students. We support 10 teams for our Dukes to participate in: Boys and Girls Soccer, Cross Country, Basketball, Track and Baseball/Softball. All of our practices and home games are hosted onsite at Marlborough School. We play in Connecticut River Valley League which includes Westmoreland, Chesterfield, Walpole, Hinsdale, Putney, Kurn Hattin, Leland and Grey, and Dummerston Schools. We do pick up games and meets independently and will compete against schools outside of the CVL.
Athletic programs at Marlborough School are an important and integral part of the school's program of education. The philosophy of Marlborough School Interscholastic Sports is to ensure that students receive a rewarding competitive experience; become knowledgeable and competent in the fundamentals if their particular sport; display good sportsmanship at all times; and conduct themselves as representatives of the Marlborough Community. A quality interscholastic sports experience will enhance academic success through development of character, commitment, pride and teamwork.
Practices and Games
All our programs practice and play between Monday and Friday. This is a five day a week commitment. Practices typically run from 3:00 to 4:30. Games and meets are typically played on Tuesdays or Thursdays, but can be scheduled on MWF if needed. Games will usually start at 4:00.
To play a sport at Marlborough School, the participant will need to be a resident of Marlborough or seek an exemption. The exemption process starts with the Athletic Director.
To play a sport for Marlborough School all athletes need to provide a Sports Physical.
Marlborough School does not provide the physical form. Each doctor has their own form to complete for their patients. That form will be acceptable for participation in Marlborough School Athletics. If you intend on playing a sport, then please contact your child's physician and ask for a Sports Physical. Upon completion pass in the form to the Marlborough Athletic Office. If you have any questions about this process please call Joe Benham.
Along with a physical all athletes are required to supply an annual Waiver. This forms will give the coaches your very import contact information. Also, it tells us that you give permission for your son/daughter to participate in sports at Marlborough School. This form is available in the front office, athletic office and online under Quick Links -Sports Waiver. Athletes cannot participate without a waiver and a physical on file.
Academic standing is factored when considering eligibility. At Marlborough School we are aligning our standard with the high school's eligibility standard. Student athletes must pass all classes. If at any point their grade drops below a 65, in any class, the athlete will go on academic probation and be ineligible to participate in games until the next reporting period. Eligibility runs from Friday to Thursday. For Example: If an athlete has a 61 average in Math on Friday, then that athlete will not be eligible to play in games the following week. On the next Friday we will look to clear that athlete if he/she is able to get the grade to an 65 or better and assuming no other classes dip to less than an 65 average.
A student athlete's conduct will be considered on issues relating to eligibility. Students who are suspended from school grounds are absent from school are not to participate in the afternoon events for that day. Other consequences relating to participation will be decided by the staff/administration. Student athletes should hold themselves to a higher behavioral standard as they are representing the school/team/community.
Team sign ups will take place the season prior to which the sport takes place. For example: Soccer sign ups will take place during the spring season. The athletic director will go to each class to inform all students about sign ups and the upcoming season. There will be postings and announcements in the school. Also, there be a notice put online.
Parent Meetings will take place before each season. The purpose will be to introduce the coaches and their expectations. If another issue comes up, then we will host a team parent meeting to inform everyone. Along with the meeting, paper notices, emails, website postings and all calls will be used to distribute timely information.
Cancellations: In the event of a cancellation, game or practice, the office will be notified first. We aim to make that decision by 12:00. You are welcome to call the office to inquire about afternoon decisions. The principal will send out an all call to inform parents of a cancellation. The cancellation will be announced in school for the athletes to hear and in time for them to make afternoon arrangements. Please have a plan in place in the event that a game or practice is cancelled. Athletes should know where they are going and who they are going with. There are times when we will host an inside practice if the fields are unplayable. That will be conveyed in the all call and announcements.
School Cancellations and Holidays
If there is no school, then no athletic events will take place on that day.
Absences: The policy is the same as the school's. The athlete or parent needs to notify the coach of an absence. Unexcused absences will result in loss of playing time and removal from the team. Please contact the coach prior to an absence.